Q&A Submitted to the BUMC UM Status Subcommittee

The following are the questions that submitted to the Subcommittee from November 28th, 2022 through January 19th, 2023. There was a total of 27 unique emails received from 9 individual members of our church. Within these emails, there were 8 emails that asked questions. Responses are either as follows or are contained in the FAQ section of this document.


Q1: May I verify if there are plans to decide whether or not Broadmoor UMC will disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church over the same sex marriage issue?

A: The BUMC Governance Board is reviewing this issue through its subcommittee. The Subcommittee is soliciting questions from the congregation and holding a series of informational sessions with Sunday School Classes and/or small groups to determine the level of interest in the discernment process. Based upon the volume of questions, type of questions and input from the congregation, the Governance Board will determine if the discernment process is in the best interest of the church body.


Q2: Who is on the governance board and who is on the subcommittee?


Q3: What is the inaccurate information mentioned in the first paragraph of the letter sent to members?

A: There are statements circulating that Methodist Church is about to alter its doctrine to deny the virgin birth, the divinity of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, or salvation through Christ alone. Not true. All of these positions are bedrock in the doctrinal standards of The United Methodist Church, more specifically in the Articles of Religion and the Confession of Faith. These cannot be altered without a two-thirds vote of the General Conference followed by a three-fourths aggregate approval of all annual conferences of The United Methodist Church worldwide. There is no basis to conclude such majorities can be achieved to alter the Articles and Confession for any reason. (i.e., the Trinity, the virgin birth, etc.). These would require changes to the “constitution.”


Q4: Where can I read about the future of the United Methodist Church?

A: Watch these videos by clicking on the links.

Rob Renfroe - The United Methodist Church is Divided and Dividing
Adam Hamilton - Adam Hamilton Response

Rob Renfroe - Our Differences Regarding the Bible
Adam Hamilton: Love of Scripture

Rob Renfroe - Our Differences Regarding Jesus
Adam Hamilton: Committed to Christ

Rob Renfroe - Our Differences Regarding Sexuality
Adam Hamilton: Human Sexuality

Rob Renfroe - Why It’s Time for Traditionalists to Leave
Adam Hamilton: A Future with Hope


Q5: Why has BUMC not had meetings open to all members to discuss our affiliation with the UMC? Other UM churches in this area have had a period of discernment to enable their members to decide the direction of their church Your question appears to be more about the timing of information regarding the future direction of BUMC.

A: Meetings are now being scheduled with SS classes and information posted to the website, we hope we have answered your question.

12/28/2022 This email contained a list of 13 questions.

A: As part of the response to these questions, we wish to clarify the question facing our church, please reference paragraph 2553 of the 2016 Book of Discipline: 2553. Disaffiliation of a Local Church Over Issues Related to Human Sexuality—

1. Basis-- Because of the current deep conflict within The United Methodist Church around issues of human sexuality, a local church shall have a limited right, under the provisions of this paragraph, to disaffiliate from the denomination for reasons of conscience regarding a change in the requirements and provisions of the Book of Discipline related to the practice of homosexuality or the ordination or marriage of self-avowed practicing homosexuals as resolved and adopted by the 2019 General Conference, or the actions or inactions of its annual conference related to these issues…

Q6: What are the theological and institutional differences? Traditional vs Progressive

A: This question is not part of the issue before us.

Q7. What is “Progressive Christianity”?

A: Again, not germane to the question before us.

Q8. Is the division of the UMC only about LGBTQIA+? That’s what is in the news.

A: Please see paragraph 2553 of the Book of Discipline that defines the question facing the church

Q9.What is BUMC stance on LGBTQIA+ clergy and marriage?

A: BUMC follows the Book of Discipline.

Q10.Are self-identified LGBTQIA+ people welcome at BUMC?

A: All God’s people are welcome in any United Methodist Church.

Q11. Should self-identified LGBTQIA+ people serve in episcopal positions

A: BUMC follows the Book of Discipline.

Q12. Why can’t everyone just stay together and respect each other’s theological differences?

A: Unfortunately, not the question that is facing BUMC

Q13. Why are traditionalists choosing to disaffiliate and giving up the name “United Methodist Church”?

A: Not a question that we can answer.

Q14. If traditionalists Methodist are upholding the Book of Discipline. Why would/should we leave?

A: They should not

Q15. If this disagreement has been going on so long, has it had an impact on the denomination as a whole?

A: Not a question we can answer.

Q16. What is the trust cause?

A: Please see the Book of Discipline paragraph 2501.

Q17. What happens to clergy if the UMC splits?

A: Dependent on individual churches and individual clergy

Q18. Given how old Methodism really is shouldn’t we just accept the “United” experiment failed?

A: Requires subjective response and is not part of the issue before us.


Q19: My question is when can we expect the leadership to provide information and discussion groups to educate the congregation about this most important event that is already taking place worldwide within our denomination? The letter mentions misconceptions and inaccurate information circulating about our future. What inaccurate information is circulating?

A: We are now meeting with various Sunday School classes and other groups within the church to explain the issue before the church and allow for questions and answers regarding the changes, plus to address misinformation that is circulating.


Q20: What is BUMC timeline on discernment?

A: -Discernment period of 4 to 6 weeks (must start no later than 4/1/2023)

-Church Conference vote by 5/31/2023

-Annual Conference begins 6/21/2023. later edit- Annual Conference now begins on June 13

Q21. What is the cost of BUMC to disaffiliate?

A: Estimated $500,000

Q22 With the former Bishops stance on disaffiliation, will our own membership be denied the use of the memberships building to educate membership?

A: Unclear how a former Bishop would influence actions of our church.

Q23 Since bringing this to the Board on August 17,2022, have we developed a timeline or plan?

A: Yes, as outlined in this document.